The 36th APT Standardization Program Forumへ出席しました


The 36th APT Standardization Program Forum(ASTAP-36)
20-24 May 2024, Bangkok, Thailand





Session 1: Supply Chain Cybersecurity において、発表を行いました。

Time Monday, 20 May 2024
9:00-10:00 Registration

Industry Workshop

  • Introductory Remarks
    by Dr. Hideyuki Iwata
    ASTAP Vice-Chair/Industry Workshop Committee Member

Session 1: Supply Chain Cybersecurity
Moderator: Ms. Miho Naganuma, WG SA Chair

Session 1-1: Industry-Specific Initiative

  • Supply-Chain Security of Auto Industry in Japan
    by Mr. Tomoji Furuta, Chair of Cyber Security Experts Group, ICT Subcommittee, General Policy Committee, Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA), Japan
  • Introduction of Security Initiatives in the Airline Industry and Transportation ISAC (Information Sharing and Analysis Center)
    by Mr. Akihito Wada, Chief Director, Transportation ISAC Japan
  • DNP’s Supply Chain Security Initiatives and Issue Recognition
    by Mr. Kenshi Tani, General Manager, Cyber Security Business Development Unit Advanced Business Center, Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd, Japan
  • Securing the Last Chain (Last Mile): A Customer-Centric Approach as a Proactive Security Alerts across the Supply Chain
    by Dr. Yong Joon Joe, Director of R&D Division, LSWare Inc., Republic of Korea

Session 1-2: Industry-Government Collaboration Initiative

  • Keidanren’s approach to cybersecurity throughout the supply chain
    by Mr. Akihito Wada, Chair, Working Group on Cyber-Security Enhancement, Committee on Cyber Security, Keidanren(Japan Business Federation), Japan
  • Introduction of CRIC CSF Cyber Risk Intelligence Center - Cross Sectors Forum) and Supply Chain
    by Mr. Hiroshi Arakawa, Acting Secretary General, CRIC CSF, Japan
  • Supply Chain Cyber Security Consortium (SC3) activities
    by Mr. Hiroshi Takechi, Manager, Planning and Coordination Office, SC3, Japan
  • Introduction of standardization activity on supply chain security in South Korea (Remote)
    by Dr. Sang Woo Lee, TTA TC5 PG504 chair / ETRI (Cybersecurity research division), Republic of Korea